
Pre-premiere of the documentary Who owns the city? in Káznice

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Who owns the cities today? And who actually determines what a city will look like and who can live there, where and how? On 18 May 2023, the first two parts of the documentary series Who Owns the City? will be screened in Káznice in Brno. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion on the transformation of Brno’s Cejl.

The project maps the common and different changes in the four cities of the Visegrad Group countries. During the screening we will look at Brno and Bratislava. In Brno, we will focus on the area of Cejl, the so-called Bronx of Brno, where, due to the efforts to increase the attractiveness of the area and the subsequent construction boom, the population has been rapidly changing in recent years. In Bratislava, we will examine the planned construction of a problematic tram line near the Slovak National Theatre.

Television broadcasts of the individual episodes will take place at the end of May on ČT2.